Press Release

Gillibrand Announces Over $1 Million Coming to Head Start Program in Suffolk County

Mar 2, 2012

Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced $1,124,581 for the Community Programs Center of Long Island. The federal funding will provide early child education to Suffolk County children. 

“This is great news for Suffolk County children and families,” Senator Gillibrand said. “These federal dollars will help deliver quality child care, healthy food and other critical services to families who desperately need it in these tough economic times.” 

Director of Community Programs Center of Long Island Elizabeth A. Geary said, “The recent grant award of $1,124,581 enables the Children’s Community Head Start and Early Head Start, a program of The Community Program’s Center of Long Island, to continue providing comprehensive early childhood education services to 257 low income children and families living in Suffolk County.  For these children and their families, the benefit of receiving high quality services across multiple areas including early childhood education/development and disabilities, health, mental health/family development, nutrition, and family involvement will prepare them for life-long learning and success.  According to James Heckman, a Nobel Laureate in Economics, the benefit of investing in Head Start is huge.  The Return on Investment (ROI) identified by this economist calculates that for every $1 invested in Head Start, America will reap a ROI ranging from $7 to $9.  This program is absolutely a “win win” as it supports quality of life for our youngest children and families and promises to make a long term return to our nation.” 

The primary purpose of Head Start and Early Head Start programs is to provide comprehensive child development programs for children at birth and to age 5, pregnant women, and families. The programs are child-focused and have the goal of getting low income children ready for school. 

Serving Suffolk County since 1980, the Community Programs Center of Long Island provides low income families with the resources to empower themselves for self-improvement as well as comprehensive childhood development and family support for Long Island families. Additionally, the Community Programs Center of Long Island also offers a social model adult day service program for seniors in the community.