Press Release

Gillibrand Announces Partnership Between West Point and Fredonia High-Tech Start-Up

Jul 18, 2013

Washington, D.C – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced that Silicon Wolves Computing Society LLC., a high-tech start-up based in Dunkirk, New York, teamed up with West Point to host an intern this summer. While touring the SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator last year, Senator Gillibrand met with the Silicon Wolves Computing Society (SWCS) CEO and pledged to help the company build a relationship with West Point for their internship program. The company, which turned two years old in March, supplies new technology-based businesses with logistical support and resources.

“Bringing together regional technology start-ups and young adults is crucial to ensuring the high-tech sector in our state continues to bloom,” Senator Gillibrand said. “This partnership between will help this local business to continue to grow and positively impact our region.  Together they will create opportunities for more high-tech products to be made in America, growing the number of jobs and ultimately strengthening our economy.”

LTC Matt Burrow, a professor at West Point said, “The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) works with both industry and government partners who can provide cadets with excellent opportunities to immediately apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world research, technology applications, and engineering problems. In this pursuit, SWCS Systems fits the type of partner that will most benefit EECS cadets by providing opportunities to explore how technology is used by the Army and how the Army can benefit from work with industry and academia to solve problems and better support our nation”

“It is a privilege and an honor to be a part of U.S. Military Academy’s AIAD Program,” said Ryan Wolf, CEO and founder of SWCS. “SWCS is now among a rare few sponsors such as Boeing, iRobot and the NSA, who work with the Academy in providing real-world experience in their chosen academic field of EECS. Through our partnership, cadets will be provided with experience in both the technical and entrepreneurial aspects of a high-tech startup supercomputing company.”

The making of this partnership began last year when Senator Gillibrand met SWCS CEO and founder Ryan Wolf, a military veteran, during a tour of the SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator. Wolf was interested in raising the profile of his business and offering military academy students a one of a kind experience, not only in supercomputing, but in entrepreneurship and the world of high-tech startups.

During the months following, Senator Gillibrand’s office worked with SWCS to facilitate a relationship between the United States Military Academy and Mr. Wolf. After recognizing the unique experience that cadets would obtain through this partnership, West Point has committed to send a computer science cadet, beginning this summer, to work under the guidance of Mr. Wolf.

Silicon Wolves Computing Society LLC is a Research Computing Solutions company providing for the research, development, manufacturing and deployment of advanced, flexible and robust workstation, cluster and supercomputing appliances & solutions, tailor-made for mission-critical industrial computing environments, such as Digital Content Creation, Oil & Gas Discovery, Electro-Magnetics, Life Sciences, Medical Research, General Computational Research and Academia.