Press Release

Gillibrand Calls On U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to Consider Capital Region for Satellite Office

Feb 3, 2012

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today urged the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to consider the Capital Region as a site for a satellite office. New York State is the second highest patent issuer in the nation, with the Capital Region specifically known for its renowned innovative, high-tech companies, and expertise in fields such as nanotechnology. The USPTO Capital Region office would cultivate a workforce of well-paid patent examiners, and foster the region’s reputation as an IP-savvy area of the nation, as well as allow New York to strategically protect and leverage its valuable IP on a national and global scale. 

“Protecting intellectual property is vital to our economic security, and a Capital Region office would be a great opportunity for New York to capitalize on its valuable IP and secure a strong economic future for the state,” said Senator Gillibrand. “Not only would the office create good jobs, it would empower the region to continue its commitment to attracting high-tech companies, supporting small businesses, and educating students in the areas of study that foster innovation and entrepreneurship to drive the economy.” 

“A USPTO satellite office would be a welcome resource for our region’s vibrant technology industry and higher education communities,” said F. Michael Tucker, President and CEO of the Center for Economic Growth (CEG)

In an effort to increase U.S. economic competitiveness, the USPTO has taken several steps to improve operational efficiency including opening satellite offices. New York State is the second highest patent issuer in the nation, having submitted 65,260 patents from 1999 to 2009.The Capital Region is known as Tech Valley for its renowned innovative, high-tech companies, and expertise in fields such as nanotechnology. The region is home to many premier colleges and universities, many with top-tier science and engineering programs whose graduates are uniquely positioned to contribute to the regional high-tech economy.

In a letter to the office’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Azam Khan, Senator Gillibrand noted that New York would be a logical location for the office given its prominent intellectual property (IP) community, active entrepreneurial and business efforts, proximity to distinguished research institutions, and burgeoning high technology market.

Full text of Senator Gillibrand’s letter: 

Dear Mr. Kahn, 

I write today urging you to strongly consider the Capital Region of New York State as a potential site for your next U.S. Patent and Trademark satellite office. In New York, we are working hard to build a strong and sustainable economy, based on attracting technology businesses, developing clean and renewable energy resources, and supporting our entrepreneurs and small businesses.  

As part of any agenda to increase U.S. economic competitiveness we must strategically aim to protect and leverage the nation’s valuable intellectual property (IP).  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) initiatives to improve operational efficiency, reduce backlog, and modernize our patent system have been critical to achieving this goal 

The Capital Region, which is part of New York State’s larger Tech Valley, has become globally recognized as a premier site for innovative, high technology companies. This area is a center for higher education home to 21premier colleges and universities, and has a vibrant and actively engaged intellectual property community.  New York State has some of the country’s highest numbers of issued patents as well as practitioners living and working in the states, all of which makes the state an ideal location for a USPTO satellite office.  You will find that our engineering and science programs are second to none, and that geographic proximity, cost of living, and advanced expertise in fields such as nanotechnology will meet and exceed the needs of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

            I ask that you please give this your full consideration. If you have any questions, or desire further information, please do not hesitate to contact my staff member Jon Cardinal at (202) 224-4451.