Press Release

Gillibrand Helps Secure $6 Million In Federal Funding For Jerome Avenue Bus Facilities

Jul 7, 2023

Today, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced she helped secure $6 million in federal funding to rehabilitate 10 bus facilities on Jerome Avenue in the Bronx. The project will improve the transportation experience of bus riders and pedestrians along Jerome Avenue by enhancing safety, accessibility, and service. The federal funding was awarded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) through its Buses and Bus Facilities Program and will be distributed to the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT). Using this funding, NYC DOT will make significant improvements to 10 bus facilities on Jerome Avenue, including sidewalk reconstruction, added seating, pedestrian-level lighting, wayfinding, and bike racks to enhance mobility and accessibility.

“Public buses provide critical services to millions of riders throughout New York City, including children, individuals with disabilities, and older adults,”said Senator Gillibrand. “This funding is a great example of the investments needed to support NYC buses for years to come, and will go a long way in improving the public transit experience for countless New Yorkers. I am proud to have advocated for this funding and will continue to ensure that New York City residents and visitors have access to safe, efficient buses and the infrastructure that supports them.”

“This funding will make bus service faster and more reliable for the roughly 19,000 daily riders on Jerome Avenue while improving safety for everyone on the corridor. These upgrades will make Bx35 service more efficient and attractive, with extended curbs, additional seating, and lighting and accessibility upgrades. With thank our federal partners for their support as well as each elected officials who endorsed our successful grant application,” said NYC DOT Commissioner Rodriguez.

Earlier this year, Senator Gillibrand wrote to the administrator of the Federal Transit Administration, Nuria Fernandez, advocating for funding on this project. Read the letter here.