Press Release

Gillibrand: Malicious Bronx Hate Crime An Atrocity

Oct 9, 2010

New York, NY – Seven suspects have been taken into custody and two more are being sought for beating, sodomizing and robbing two men and attacking a third in the Bronx. The suspects range in age from 16 to 23. U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, an original co-sponsor of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was signed into law last year, issued the following statement condemning the hate crime:

“The malicious hate crime that took place in the Bronx is an atrocity. We all must come together and condemn this horrible act. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their loved ones, and with all the people of this community that were targeted by this evil assault.

“The predators sought to invoke fear and panic among all of us and we will not allow that. Whether because of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation, a crime such as this victimizes every one of us.  I know that law enforcement will continue to build a strong case and ensure the maximum punishment for this type of crime.”