Press Release

Gillibrand: President Obama’s Speech Lays Out Clear Vision, Refocuses Healthcare Debate

Sep 10, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Following President Barack Obama’s address to Congress, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand issued the following statement urging Congress to follow the President’s strong lead and pass comprehensive health care reform:

“In his address to Congress tonight, President Obama successfully refocused the debate on improving coverage for those who have health insurance and providing quality, affordable health care to every single American.

“Political opponents have made every effort to derail a serious discussion of real reform, but the status quo is unacceptable.  I plan to stand with the President so that we move forward on meaningful health care reform.  I continue to support a robust public option that can compete with private health insurance and drive down health care costs for everyone.  Comprehensive reform should also focus on prevention as opposed to emergency room care and strengthen Medicare for seniors.

“I am hopeful that everyone in Washington can see that the American people expect action. We must recognize that we have a health care emergency in this country and pass comprehensive reform that provides security and stability for everyone.”