Press Release

Gillibrand Statement On October Unemployment Number

Nov 6, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Today,
as the U.S. Department of Labor announced October unemployment reached 10.2
percent, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand issued the following statement:

“Today’s unemployment number is a dire indication of how deep the current crisis has pushed our economy.

are now over a year into the worst economic downturn since the Great
Depression and every family is hurting in one way or another.  While
the stock market has rebounded and we’ve begun to make long-term
stimulus investments in infrastructure and energy projects, we are not
creating jobs fast enough and must take additional, immediate steps to
help save and create jobs.

week, after several weeks of Republican delays, we passed important new
legislation that will provide economic assistance to millions of hard
working New York families and businesses.  Unfortunately in the 25 days
of delays, over 185,000 Americans lost unemployment benefits due to GOP
delay tactics.  We need to make sure that we do everything possible to
support the economy and not let partisan politics get in the way of
helping American families.

extending unemployment benefits for an additional 20 weeks, extending
the first-time homebuyer tax credit for another five months, and
providing targeted tax relief for businesses, we have taken another
step toward providing a job for every American who wants to be working.”