Press Release

Gillibrand Statement On President Obama’s Call To Action For Financial Reform, Stability And Growth For America’s Economy

Apr 22, 2010

Washington, DC – As President Obama addresses the nation today to build momentum for new rules of the road to protect taxpayers and keep our economy stable, growing and working for all Americans, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand issued the following statement:

“President Obama today speaks on behalf of tens of millions of Americans who are out of work, have lost their home or can no longer retire because of the financial meltdown that almost pushed America into a depression.

“For the future of our economy, it is critical that we establish new, common sense rules of the road that protect taxpayers and ensure a financial crisis like this never happens again.

“The President has shown extraordinary leadership, creating a blueprint for strong and smart reform of our financial system. He and I are both committed to providing New York’s economy the stability and security we need to remain the financial center of the world.  I strongly support the President’s efforts and I will continue working closely with him and my colleagues in the Senate to develop smart and tough reform that will protect consumers, create transparency and accountability, reign in excessive risk and leverage in the pursuit of short term profits, and bring huge unregulated markets under control.

“In the coming weeks, we will pass strong financial protections that makes too big to fail a thing of the past and ensures our financial system is working for all New Yorkers, spurring our economy, helping businesses create good paying jobs all across the country and empowering consumers with clear terms from financial institutions.”