Press Release

Schumer, Gillibrand Applaud EPA Providing A Major $420 Million For New York State’s Clean And Drinking Water State Revolving Funds For 2024 As A Part Of Their Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – To Upgrade NY’s Water Infrastructure, Create Good Paying Jobs, And Boost Safe, Clean Drinking Water For All

Feb 21, 2024

Funding Is A Part Of $5.8 Billion Investment For Water Infrastructure Across The Country Announced Yesterday By The Biden Administration

Senators Say New York State Has Some Of The Oldest Water Systems In The Country And Funding Will Provide Long-Overdue, Critical Support To Modernize Drinking Water And Wastewater Infrastructure

Schumer, Gillibrand: Major Fed $$$ Is Flowing To NY To Upgrade Critical Water Systems And Infrastructure Thanks To Our Bipartisan Infrastructure & Jobs Act!

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) providing New York a historic investment of $420,000,000 for New York State’s Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) as a part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act they championed. Schumer and Gillibrand said this is a massive boon for New York’s water infrastructure and environment, and includes federal funding for other clean water efforts like lead pipe removal and cleaning up emerging contaminants.

“Access to clean water and modern water systems are fundamental, and thanks to my Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Law, we’re sending a whopping $420 million flowing to upgrade New York’s water infrastructure. This major federal investment will ensure families across New York are provided safe drinking water, free of contaminants, and that our beautiful waterways remain free from sewer overflow,” said Senator Schumer. “These dollars will help give New York State and municipalities the support they need to replace dangerous lead pipes and modernize critical water systems, all while creating a steady stream of jobs, jobs, jobs. I am proud to deliver this major funding and will continue the fight to turn the tide on our state’s aging water infrastructure, create jobs for New Yorkers, and keep our communities safe and healthy.”

“New Yorkers deserve water systems they can depend on and safe drinking water they can trust,” said Senator Gillibrand. “This $420 million in funding is monumental for New York’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Clean Water State Revolving Fund and will help improve the quality of vital water infrastructure by bringing long-needed improvements to modernize water systems throughout the state. I am proud to have helped secure the funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that enables this much-needed investment and will continue fighting for the resources needed to enhance public health and provide New Yorkers with access to safe and reliable water.” 

Schumer and Gillibrand explained the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act makes the single-largest investment ever in U.S. water infrastructure. In total, the bill includes over $50 billion for the EPA’s highly successful water infrastructure programs. Specifically, the EPA announced it will provide New York over $420 million for its Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRF). SRFs provide below-market rate loans and grants to fund water infrastructure improvements in municipalities across the state. Importantly, Schumer fought for a lower state cost share for the early years of this funding and for 49% of the money to be administered as grants and completely forgivable loans, ensuring New Yorkers can get the most out of this funding.

The senators said today’s funding for New York is part of the Biden administration’s $5.8 billion investment for water infrastructure projects around the country announced yesterday. This multi-billion-dollar investment will fund state-run, low-interest loan programs to address key challenges, with $2.6 billion going to the Clean Water SRF for wastewater and stormwater infrastructure and $3.2 billion going to the Drinking Water SRF for drinking water infrastructure nationwide.

In 2021 at the beginning of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, New York received over $428 million from the EPA for Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) to help modernize and clean New York’s water systems which included funding to replace lead service lines and grants to address emerging contaminants. Between 2022-2023, New York State was awarded a total of $814,456,000 for the state’s clean water and drinking water SRFs. With today’s funding, that brings NYS’s total BIL water infrastructure funds to over $1.2 billion. BIL funding for water infrastructure is being administered through the State Revolving Funds over five years through 2026.