Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Announces Department of Justice Awarding Drug Court Discretionary Grant Funding of $198,928 to Amherst Justice Court

Jul 10, 2009

— U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced that the Department of
Justice, through its Office of Justice Programs, has awarded $198,928 in grant
funding to the Amherst Justice Court. This grant program assists state and
local courts in developing and implementing drug courts for substance-abusing,
nonviolent offenders.

funding will be used by Amherst Justice Court to expand its existing drug
treatment court by adding intensive case management services that will include
a combination of mental health and substance abuse services that will be
individually customized with mental health counseling, psychiatric
consultation, and outreach services.  Aftercare services that include
short-term residential rehabilitation and long-term residential treatment
programs will also be available.

is expected that up to 60 nonviolent adult misdemeanants will enroll in the
program during each of the two year project period and a series of process
evaluations and recommendations will take place to assess the program’s
effectiveness and enhance its key components.