Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Rejects Automatic Congressional Pay Raise

Mar 10, 2009

– New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today signed on to
co-sponsor legislation to repeal automatic pay raises for Members of
Congress.  Senator Gillibrand, who personally rejected automatic pay
increases during her time in the House of Representatives, joined
fellow New York Senator Chuck Schumer and other colleagues in the
Senate to eliminate automatic pay raises once and for all.

“It is inappropriate for Members of Congress to get an automatic pay
raise, especially when many New York families are struggling through
tough economic times,” Senator Gillibrand said.  “Families across the
country are making difficult decisions and cutting their own budgets
any way they can.  They deserve a federal government that is willing to
do the same.  We could put this money to much better use, helping New
Yorkers during this tough economic time.”

Senator Gillibrand has kept her promise to New Yorkers by voting for
and co-sponsoring legislation that stops automatic pay raises each year
she’s been in office.  In 2007, she refused to accept her own automatic
pay raise and contributed the funds to charity.