Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Statement On Recent Threats Against Jewish Community Centers, Schools & Acts Of Vandalism Against Jewish Cemeteries

Feb 27, 2017

“I am incredibly disturbed by the many bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers, schools, and acts of vandalism against Jewish cemeteries in recent weeks. These threats should be a wakeup call to anyone doubting whether anti-Semitic criminals are feeling emboldened in the current political climate. We must continue to speak out against hatred and bigotry in all of its forms, and make it clear that these violent and threatening acts will never be tolerated in our communities. And we must make sure that our religious and community centers have the support they need to confront these threats. I am grateful to law enforcement and community leaders for keeping our Jewish community safe throughout these troubling events, I will continue to do everything I can as a Senator to fight back against anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry and hatred, and I will keep working to secure the federal funding our houses of worship and community organizations need to stay safe.”