Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Working to Expand Health Care Access for Bronx Families

Mar 4, 2009

Washington, D.C. – New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will meet today with Montefiore Medical Center President and CEO Steven Safyer, M.D. to discuss ways to expand health care access for more Bronx families.  Montefiore Medical Center is home to a leading children’s hospital that brings medical expertise, cutting edge technology, and specialized staff members together to deliver quality care to the Bronx.

“No family in the Bronx or anywhere in America should ever go without health care,” Senator Gillibrand said. “Ensuring that every American has access to quality, affordable health care coverage is a national priority.  Montefiore Medical Center is providing some of the best health care in the world and I look forward to working with them to ensure that every family has access to quality care.”

Last week, Senator Gillibrand toured the Urban Health Center in the Bronx with New York City Assemblyman Ruben Diaz, Jr.  Senator Gillibrand and Assemblyman Diaz met with leaders at the medical center to discuss ways they can work together to improve care for New York children and families.

While in the Bronx, Senator Gillibrand also joined with New York City Councilmember Joel Rivera, Chair of the Health Committee to meet with a patient of the Visiting Nurse Service — a home medical treatment provider. With the patient and his health care aides, Senator Gillibrand discussed the importance of quality home medical care and strategies to improve access.

“New York is home to some of the finest medical experts and medical centers in the world,” Senator Gillibrand said.  “But our job isn’t done until every New York family has access to quality, affordable health care.”

Senator Gillibrand has been a strong voice in Congress for comprehensive health care reform.  In February, Senator Gillibrand worked with President Obama to provide access to basic health care for 11 million low and middle income children by reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).  Senator Gillibrand voted seven times in the House of Representatives to reauthorize the CHIP.  In fact, she was the only Member of Congress to vote for the expansion in both the House and the Senate and she stood with President Obama at the White House when he signed the bill into law.