Press Release

Gillibrand Statement on Obama Administration’s New International Cyber Security Strategy

May 16, 2011

Washington, DC – Following the Obama Administration’s announcement of a new strategy to address international cyber threats, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) released the following statement:

 “I am encouraged the Administration is taking the growing international cyber threat seriously. Now it is time for Congress to come together and pass bipartisan legislation to address this national security imperative.

 “In the coming weeks, I will be working with my Senate colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, to introduce strong bi-partisan legislation that would provide the tools our nation needs to carry out the goals outlined today and combat the international threat of cyber security.

 “In order to safeguard our nation’s economy and high-tech infrastructure, we must be able to defend against cyber threats from around the world. This must be a top priority for our national security and our economy. We must go after cyber criminals wherever they are – and it must be an international effort.”

“Our plan would bolster international cooperation, hold countries accountable to ensure they crack down on their own cyber criminals, and cut off U.S. aid and resources for countries that refuse to take responsibility. By getting tough on cybercrime globally and working with the international community, our nation’s businesses and families will be safer.”